
Pruning fruit trees

Fruit trees need a special attention in pruning. Not only the appearance of the tree, but also a good and regular fertility is vital. The main objective of pruning is to harmonise vegetative growth and fertility. In doing so, the fruit tree is encouraged to form flower or fruit buds, while at the same time the growth of the crown slows down.

Today, in addition to classic fruit trees, we plant many new, lesser-known species in our gardens, which require different approaches to pruning and other aspects of care.

<strong>Pruning</strong> fruit trees

We are happy to help you so that you can really enjoy delicious fruits from your own garden.

Planing the stumps

Proper removal of the stump of the fallen tree is crucial in order to re-arrange the empty space. With special machines, we plan or grind the stumps to different depths, depending on the specific requirements.

Excavation with heavy machinery is not necessary. This often causes severe damage to the land and other elements, leaving behind a large excavation pit. By planing the stumps, they are removed with minimal interference with the land, and the space is immediately ready for new landscaping.

<strong>Planing</strong> the stumps

Grinding branches

The branches remaining after cutting down and pruning are ground on the spot.

This process significantly reduces the cost of transportation and working time.

The ground material can be used as natural mulch, which protects the soil and plants, while keeping the soil loose and gradually releasing nutrients.

Grinding <strong>branches</strong>

Blowing out roots with the Air-Spade connector

After years of compacting and pumping nutrients, the soil around your trees can become compacted and depleted, and the growth and development of the plant stops, it stagnates. With the process of blowing out the roots or Air-Spade soil excavation tool we loosen the soil.

<strong>Blowing out roots</strong> with the Air-Spade connector

The root ventilation method does not damage tree roots or underground installations. With air blowing, we break the soil into small particles and ventilate, loosen the soil. We make channels and/or vertical shafts around trees to which we can add nutrients, thus enriching and revitalising the loose root system. The root system is excavated, inspected, pruned, or restored if necessary.